Bread dough Salt Meter    PAL-Bread Dough Meister


396.00 USD


Ships within 1-2 working days

Additional 10 USD for insurance.
Please note that without insurance we do not cover any risk

Instantly detect when you forget to add salt at the site!

Press the fabric against it and measure it.This will help you avoid forgetting to add salt and quantify the taste of dough.

Product information

Model PAL-Bread Dough Meister
Cat.No. 4274
Range 0.00 to 10.0% (g/100g)
Resolution 0.01% for salt concentration of 0.00 to 2.99%
0.1% for salt concentration of 3.0 to 10.0%
Accuracy Displayed value ±0.05%
(for salt concentration of 0.00 to 0.99%)
Relative precision ±5%
(for salt concentration of 1.00 to 10.0%)